Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Source

“ The ethics of Jesus cannot be obeyed or even understood until the life of God has come to the heart of a man or woman in the miracle of the new birth. The righteousness of the law is fulfilled in those who walk in the Spirit. Christ lives again in His redeemed followers the life He lived in Judea, for righteousness can never be divorced from its source, which is Jesus Christ Himself!” author unknown

Often you hear from people about how “so and so is a good person.” We have gotten the thought in our heads that if we are “good” we have it made on our way to Heaven. We forget the fact that “good” outside of Christ isn’t good enough to get us where we need to be in Christ. Frequently we try to separate righteousness from its source and claim the act for ourselves. The Pharisees tried to do that and Jesus warned the disciples to not be like them.

Christ is our life and righteousness source when we walk and live in Him. It begins with asking Him into our lives and then being obedient to His ethic standards found in God’s word. We don’t get the pleasure of believing in Christ without walking or following in His ways. Likewise we don’t get the enjoyment of not accepting Christ into our lives so we don’t have to be obedient to the things He talks about in the Bible.

We need to get hooked up with the source that will take us places, Jesus Christ. He is our key into Heaven, our door into our future. Indeed the foundation of our strength, the basis of our love, the supply of our goodness, the source that supplies us with all we need. All we need to give us the ability to be obedient to His ethics, His ways, and His will.

Praise the Lord we come supplied when we have accepted Christ into our lives. The rest is up to us to use Him as the source of our resources not the rock to hide behind but the Rock to stand upon!

© 2011 Karen J Gillett @ Pencil Marks and Recipes Publishing


Sunflower Faith said...

Your statement,"It begins with asking Him into our lives and then being obedient to His ethic standards found in God’s word. We don’t get the pleasure of believing in Christ without walking or following in His ways. Likewise we don’t get the enjoyment of not accepting Christ into our lives so we don’t have to be obedient to the things He talks about in the Bible. " really just fleshes out the quote so well....
I think we tend to think we can have one without the other, but it all goes hand in hand....we skip the importance of church but then lose the support and accountability or we embrace the importance of church and then end up forgetting how we got there ourselves when interacting with others...its a hand in hand walk that can't do without the other.
As you wrote it..wow wow...really just capture the importance of what we all need to remember in our growth and walk with our Father in Heaven.

Jennifer said...

You summed this up so well this week...such an important topic! Thanks for sharing...