Thursday, February 5, 2015

Karen's Crossing~~~while I Wait

Today I went to the oncology radiation doctor. His task this day was to asses the bone pain in my left hip. He wanted to see if doing radiation therapy on it could improve my quality of life.

As I filled out some simple forms I came to a question. They asked if I had any spiritual beliefs. I marked yes and then it asked, "why do you think your spiritual belief can help you in your current situation." My answer to the question was, "God is my Father and we have a close relationship."

As my husband looked over my shoulder trying to read my answers, what I just wrote caught his attention. Turning to me he asked me why I wrote that. I told him they asked why I thought my spiritual belief helped me.

To me the answer was simple, God is my Heavenly Father and because of our close relationship I am helped. God and I have walked closely together ever since I was in grade school. He is my Father and He takes care of me. I have always trusted in Him and had faith in Him and He has never failed me yet.

Even today the doctor asked me if I thought God was picking on me. I told him it may feel that way but in reality no God doesn't pick on certain people. God is looking more at maturing and educating us thru the difficult times. He is more interested in how we handle our situations.

Praise The Lord God is not finished with us yet. We are in His mould being properly shaped for all eternity. My job is to be patient and obedient to any commands he gives me while I wait.

Copyright 2015 Karen J Gillett @ Pencil Marks and Recipes Publishing
Sent from my iPhone

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