Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Staying Put

“ When you have no helpers, see your helpers in God. When you have many helpers, see God in all your helpers. When you have nothing but God, see all in God. When you have everything, see God in everything. Under all conditions, stay thy heart only on the Lord. ” ~ Charles Spurgeon

On my kids blogspot http://www.karenskidskorner.blogspot.com/ I write devotionals using pictures. I call them my “picture DEES,” DEES standing for devotionals. I look for things I can use to write something about God for my grandkids. Over the years it’s been fun watching them catch on to the fun of finding things we can use for our “picture DEES.” They have gotten to the point where they can pick out a picture and what needs to be said about it regarding God.

What we use to do together soon became something they could do on their own. Something they would get all excited about when they came to my house on the weekend about a picture DEE idea they came up with during the week. After telling me their idea I would come up with a picture to put it to even if we had to “act out” a picture to use.

Indeed in the long run it has taught them to see God wherever they go, to look for Him in all they see. Charles Spurgeon in his quote today is trying to get us to do the same, to see God wherever we go and look for Him in all we see.

It doesn’t matter what we are looking at, how much we have we can see God in everything if that is what we are looking for. We see Him in our plenty as well as our poverty. God is there and our focus needs to be on Him. The circumstances, atmosphere, conditions or anything else doesn’t matter. What matters is the fact that we have stayed our hearts only on the Lord.

As I have tried to train my grandkids to see God everywhere we need to do the same because you know what? God is everywhere. We would like to think He’s not there watching us steal from the store, or drive under the influence of alcohol, or gossip at work, or tell the lie we just told but He’s there and it would do us good to remember that. God is not just there when we need Him, He is there always. Praise the Lord.

Our job is the get our hearts to see that and stay there forever. To be that stubborn person who refuses leave. One who says, “God’s with me and I’m with God and I’m staying put!”

Our host today is Jennifer on her blog, Scraps & Snippets. As much as I would like you to stay put on my blogspot you need to go visit Jennifer and everyone else and see what they have to share.


Cin said...

God is not just there when we need Him, He is there always

My favorite line.

Thank you for posting.

Sunflower Faith said...

Our job is the get our hearts to see that and stay there forever. To be that stubborn person who refuses leave. One who says, “God’s with me and I’m with God and I’m staying put!

I love that!! What a great way to approach that.

Loni said...

So thankful to get the reminder that even when He seems void in our lives, He is always there . . . what a promise of hope, always!

Marsha Young said...

Not only is god there when we need Him, he is also here when we think we don't!

Karen, your perserverance is an encouragement to the rest of us. Blessings to you - Marsha

Jennifer said...

Love what you are doing for your grandchildren...what a blessing for them to have a Godly grandmother! Also love those last three lines. I want to be that person! :) Thanks for sharing this week!