Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Choice is Ours

“There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says, “All right, then, have it your way” ~C.S. Lewis~

Years ago in a training class I attended to show us how people can think differently the instructor had an interesting project for us to perform. After sending around a picture for all to look at she asked those who saw that picture as “whatever it was she named” line up on the right side of the room. To those who saw the picture as “the second thing she named” line up on the left.

Just like magic that room was split practically in half. Moses couldn’t have parted the Red Sea any better. It was amazing to me to see how people do think differently yet at the same time think as others as well. There’s no doubt about it there are two kinds of people and in the spiritual world it’s no different.

There are those who say “Thy will be done” and others who because of their “I don’t care attitude” wind up hearing from God who says, “Ok then, have it your way.” Ouch! Ouch if you really think about it. I think some of the spookiest words in the Bible are the ones out of Romans 1. Several times it talks about how God gave them over and He gave them up. Whether we want to admit it we could be a part of the “them’s.” The people who don’t care what God’s will is, who don’t care what He thinks, who think they are smart enough to make their own decisions.

The fact is eventually God is going to say, “Okay have it your way” as He gives us up and over to our bad habits, our snotty attitudes, our “it’s all about me thinking.” That should scare us. Looking back at my life and my “less mature” moments the last thing I would have wanted was to be frozen in time right where I was. I have a long ways to go but at least I’m not where I was.

That is what is so wonderful about the Lord; He will never give up on us as long as we are moving forward in Him. As long as we are seeking His will. It’s those who could care less what He thinks and make no efforts to seek Him that He will eventually say, “Have it your way.” It’s a way that doesn’t have a pretty ending that leads us away from God instead of closer.

It’s not uncommon to struggle with trying to figure out what the will of God is, I know I did. “Should I do this? Do you want me to do that?” The list can appear to be endless with questions we find ourselves asking as we sort out what God’s will for us is. As tough as it may be to sort through it all, our main job is to say, “Thy Will be done, not my will be done.” Our task is to look for the areas in our lives we find God is blessing and follow His lead.

Believe it or not we get to choose which kind of person we want to be, the one who seeks God’s gain or the one who is after their own advancements. It takes a great deal of faith but that’s what it’s all about, trusting in the Lord.

Faith is living in advance what we one day will understand in reverse.

© 2010 Karen J Gillett @ Pencil Marks and Recipes Publishing


Anonymous said...

Yes yes and yes!!
It struck such a chord when you shared,"He will never give up on us as long as we are moving forward in Him. As long as we are seeking His will. It’s those who could care less what He thinks and make no efforts to seek Him that He will eventually say, “Have it your way.” It’s a way that doesn’t have a pretty ending that leads us away from God instead of closer. "

Part of having a relationship with Him, is listening to Him and not treating Him as a suggestion but He loves us so much that He wants better for us.

Marsha Young said...

So true - God does not give up on us! And am I ever grateful. ... Marsha Young

Miriam Pauline said...

Karen another great post. I love your quote at the end--I hope that as I look back in reverse I have lived out faith in the right things. Bless you for sharing.

Nic said...

GREAT post, but I especially love your end quote about "Faith is living in advance, what we will one day see in reverse". I think that is especially appropriate in terms of "THY will not my will".

Denise J. Hughes said...

"...we get to choose which kind of person we want to be."

So true. So true. Thanks for the excellent reminder!