Thursday, March 26, 2009

Karen's Crossings---Never let Go

Today on Karen’s Crossings instead of continuing to talk about the quotes I used to help me battle my stress seizures I want to stop and offer my prayers to the family of someone who recently received the same type of head injury I did 40 years ago, a subdural hematoma. The end result of her story isn’t as pleasant as my own. Her name was Natasha Richardson who died on March 18, 2009 from a head injury she received while learning how to ski. A neighbor of ours when I was growing up received the same type of injury when a horse he was petting swung its head around striking the man on the side of the head and killing him instantly.

I haven’t any answers only questions myself on why one survives and another doesn’t. If you look around its something that appears to be the norm in all battles whether it’s with cancer or other health issues, marital problems, struggles raising kids, or anything else. One survives while another goes down. The only difference between the two is the survivor gets up when they have gone down while the other stays down once knocked by life into that position.

Some of the elements involved are totally out of our control and they are ones we need to be willing to accept. However the key element here is concentrating on things we do have control over that need our attention. Things such as our attitude, determination, measure of weakness, areas of strength and depth of our faith. Also our willingness to fight to win and finish well instead of calling it quits.

As I’ve told you before my journey didn’t end with the head injury at the age of 12 years old. It soon led to a brain surgery that led to epilepsy that led to stress seizures and my disability that took me closer to Christ and still another brain surgery and a cure as the adventure continues some 19 years later. It wasn’t the road I had planned to take in life but it’s where I wound up.

The focus should never be on the road but how we journey it. I have to confess I wasn’t always the best traveling companion to Jesus. There were moments of anger, doubt, frustration, impatience, and a strong desire to call it quits. I wiggled and grumbled to fight against what life had given me instead of fighting to win. Praise the Lord God held on and He never let me go.

We must never doubt that God is in control and the fact that we need to allow Him to have that control over us. We waste too much time fighting the elements instead of concentrating on what we can change. My anger towards the girl who caused my initial head injury didn’t do me a bit of good. It only added to my stress seizures that postponed my final cure.

We are not alone on our journey. God is there to see us through. He’s not there to keep us pain free and problem free but to lead us along a path that gets us to Heaven. A journey that will mature us spiritually giving us the kind of growth needed to be a survivor in a world full of pain.

Times of wiggling may come and go but never, never let go of the precious hand of God.
© 2009 Karen J. Gillett @ Pencil Marks and Recipes Publishing

1 comment:

Esthermay Bentley-Goossen said...

The focus should never be on the road but how we journey it.
I sense that your life is a testimony of it